"The Sonosopher" is the tentative title of a full-length, feature documentary film that is currently in production. This film will document the life and creative works of poet, polyartist, sonosopher, scholar, teacher, mentor...Alex Caldiero. The documentary and this blog are a portion of a greater, ongoing effort to record, document, and archive Alex's life and works.
Remarkable... Every one of the new postcard greetings tells a story that has all of us in Utah on the edge of our seat... I can't wait to see the footage...
wowow..I'm blown away and jealous and proud and all things amazed at the beauty even these little snippets provide. The beautiful experience you guys are creating for me is nothing short of astonishing. I am living catholic roots as I see the frescoes and churches; you standing there somehow connects me in ways awesome. What a total honor to feel a part of your journey and project. Thanks Friends
wowow..I'm blown away and jealous and proud and all things amazed at the beauty even these little snippets provide. The beautiful experience you guys are creating for me is nothing short of astonishing. I am living catholic roots as I see the frescoes and churches, you standing there somehow connects me in ways awesome. What a total honor to feel a part of your journey and project. Thanks Friends
So glad to see the updates and pictures. Thankful you are safe. Sounds/looks like all is well and you are having an experience of a lifetime. Love you. Miss you. Mommy
Remarkable... Every one of the new postcard greetings tells a story that has all of us in Utah on the edge of our seat... I can't wait to see the footage...
Word Jack, word. My hatred for all three of you bastards grows with each amazing picture. Be safe out there.
ever notice how sonosopher rhymes with tourist in some languages?
wowow..I'm blown away and jealous and proud and all things amazed at the beauty even these little snippets provide. The beautiful experience you guys are creating for me is nothing short of astonishing. I am living catholic roots as I see the frescoes and churches; you standing there somehow connects me in ways awesome. What a total honor to feel a part of your journey and project. Thanks Friends
wowow..I'm blown away and jealous and proud and all things amazed at the beauty even these little snippets provide. The beautiful experience you guys are creating for me is nothing short of astonishing. I am living catholic roots as I see the frescoes and churches, you standing there somehow connects me in ways awesome. What a total honor to feel a part of your journey and project. Thanks Friends
So glad to see the updates and pictures. Thankful you are safe. Sounds/looks like all is well and you are having an experience of a lifetime.
Love you. Miss you.
We are enjoying your postcards! It looks amazing. Be safe...have fun. See you soon! xoxo
www.thesonosopher.com is UP! Check it out ...
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