"The Sonosopher" is the tentative title of a full-length, feature documentary film that is currently in production. This film will document the life and creative works of poet, polyartist, sonosopher, scholar, teacher, mentor...Alex Caldiero. The documentary and this blog are a portion of a greater, ongoing effort to record, document, and archive Alex's life and works.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

2nd day in NYC, feels like 2nd week! (lots to do, lots of walking)

Click image to enlarge it. We filmed some awesome performatives (poems/performances) at the school with Alex (both digital with the DVX and 8MM film!). Richard Kostelanetz is a great, long-time scholar of Avant-Garde art/artists and has written on Alex's performance and written poetry. Specifically, Richard included Alex in his incredibly ambitious document "A Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes", and his anthology on sound poetry "Text-Sound Texts". Follow the links above to learn more about Richard (whom we interviewed today for the documentary!), the dictionary that Alex is included in, and the anthology that Alex is included in.


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhh, you guys are living the dream!

h2oetry said...

Remarkable! Richard's Web site is amazing! He has done so much! That's great that you were able to interview him...

michael morrow said...

I barely scratched the surface of Richard's amazing daze of maize fields maze childhood psychlopedia lived 1500 miles west. Thank you for taking me directions unknown,,,,,, only lived