"The Sonosopher" is the tentative title of a full-length, feature documentary film that is currently in production. This film will document the life and creative works of poet, polyartist, sonosopher, scholar, teacher, mentor...Alex Caldiero. The documentary and this blog are a portion of a greater, ongoing effort to record, document, and archive Alex's life and works.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


We finally have a website up!!!
Check it out:

It is a bit slim on content right now, but keep checking back. In the next couple of weeks you can expect to see a trailer, photos, screenshots, video, links, and more. We will also have a web store at some point in the future to sell DVDs of the film. Also please check back here on the blog, on Facebook (facebook.com/thesonosopher), and on Twitter (@thesonosopher) for continuous news updates, links to reviews/articles, etc. We will also have a YouTube site up soon to post the trailer, other short clips from the film, as well as stuff that we cut from the film...so look out for that.

Many, many thanks to Mr. Jason Grotegut for getting the site up and running!!!

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