"The Sonosopher" is the tentative title of a full-length, feature documentary film that is currently in production. This film will document the life and creative works of poet, polyartist, sonosopher, scholar, teacher, mentor...Alex Caldiero. The documentary and this blog are a portion of a greater, ongoing effort to record, document, and archive Alex's life and works.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


When I said this to Alex, he simply corrected my pronunciation.

I learned the useful word from a New Yorker profile of Beppe Grillo, a political comedian in Italy with a much-read blog. Grillo has been sponsoring V-Day protests against the convicted criminals in the Italian Parliament: Victory, Vendetta, and Vaffanculo.

Travis asked "When would it be appropriate to use 'vaffanculo'"?

Alex thundered, NEVER, it's never appropriate, that's the whole point!

1 comment:

Grabloid said...

by the way, that was hilarious watching Alex try to explain to us what it meant...and then to see him roll his eyes at us when we tried to pronounce it... :)