"The Sonosopher" is the tentative title of a full-length, feature documentary film that is currently in production. This film will document the life and creative works of poet, polyartist, sonosopher, scholar, teacher, mentor...Alex Caldiero. The documentary and this blog are a portion of a greater, ongoing effort to record, document, and archive Alex's life and works.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Finals Week

After finals week, we will have more news about the progress on the film, The Sonosopher. Please stand by.

Translating and Screening Plans for Italy

The clip we showed at the Integrated Studies Open House and Outstanding Thesis Awards is currently being translated into Italian, by Alex.

This is a 7-minute section...and will be sent to the University of Catania so the people at the university can view and and approve a screening in the summer, and so that Alex can screen it there in August, in conjunction with a performance that he's going to be doing there.

By August (when Alex screens it) we'll hopefully have it professionally translated into Italian
this year.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

At the Integrated Studies Open House, Presentation

Travis Low and Torben Bernhard were among four students selected from the 700 graduates of the Integrated Studies program at UVU, chosen to present at the Integrated Studies Open House and Outstanding Thesis Awards on April 20, 2009.

They explained the selection of their senior thesis, The Sonosopher, treating us with a 7 minute clip. About the film clip, let me just say,I forgot I was watching a film. I had seen some of this footage before, but it was more engrossing in this new format. I'm really looking forward to the next screening.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Morale is High

I have been impressed by the editing process and collaboration between The Sonosopher Crew. On Monday, I witnessed Torben and Travis high-five over agreeing on the arrangement and cutting of footage. They told me not to post it, but I thought it really shows that morale is high in the Sonosopher camp.

Sonosopher Filmmakers Chosen as Presenters

The Sonosopher filmmakers will be among choice presenters at the Integrated Studies Open House and Outstanding Thesis Awards. Open to the Public.
Monday, April 20th | 5th floor of the library, North end
2:30 | Open House & Refreshments
3:00-4:00 | Awards, Thesis Presentations, and Welcoming of Newly Matriculated Students

** A short clip of the film will be shown.